Repairs & Kits
ERP-270 Perma-Seal® Concrete Testing Kit
Epoxy Based Sealer Testing Kit
This kit is designed to test job site conditions of concrete subfloors that would not require shot blasting. If the concrete fails this test, then shot blasting will be required before applying ERP-270. Evaluate the job site and calculate how many test areas are required. It is recommended one test be performed per 5,000 SF of flooring. At least one test must be performed on each floor of a multi-story building or each site of a multiple slab project. If concrete shows different colors or shade characteristics then it is recommended to perform at least one test for each area. All tests should be performed AFTER all necessary subfloor preparations such as wire brushing, sanding, grinding, vacuuming, etc. have been performed. All dust, paint, or other surface pollution must be removed by suitable means prior to the test. Do not treat test areas any differently than you would do the rest of the job site.